about us

Dr. Grover-Wenk has created a kindness and authenticity-based coaching and consulting business for pre-medical and medical students, in the hopes of inspiring students that have always heard that they’ll never get into medical school, or that they’ll never match into their dream residency.

Maitri Coaching & Consulting is a passion project for Dr. Grover-Wenk that has been years in the making

She noticed during her medical training that there was a lack of advisors that provided a holistic review of the medical school application process and provided gentle guidance through such an overwhelming and anxiety-inducing process. When she approached a school advisor about going to medical school as a non-traditional applicant, she felt like her advisor just looked at her GPA and MCAT score and made recommendations based on only those metrics. Dr. Grover-Wenk felt a lack of nurturing of her strengths and did not receive feedback on how she could put her best foot forward with a well-curated application.

She also observed that some colleges and medical schools were providing students with support from advisors that lacked experience with the medical school process, and received inaccurate information about their chances of getting into a dream school or residency program. After serving on Medical School Admissions and Residency Match Committees, and as an Associate Program Director for a family medicine residency that she created and co-launched, she recognized many talented pre-medical and medical students, who had a multitude of strengths, could have presented a much stronger application and perhaps gotten into medical school or residency on their first attempt, had they been given the right support. 

About the founder

Anupriya Grover-Wenk D.O., M.Med.Ed is an academic family physician who has spent most of her career working with medical students and family medicine residents to become knowledgeable, empathic, conscientious, and compassionate advocates for their patients. She was born and raised in Pennsylvania to South Asian immigrant parents and grew up alongside two younger brothers.

Dr. Grover-Wenk began her career in 2003 after graduating college from Carnegie Mellon University and went onto work in the investment banking industry and found that the field was devoid of the human connection and ability to help others that she realized would have to be instrumental in her future career. She knew she wanted to make an impact on others but wasn’t sure how to do that and thought about turning towards medicine as a career choice.

She went back to school and completed her prerequisites for medical school at the University of Pennsylvania, and then started medical school at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2008. After graduating from medical school in 2013, Dr. Grover-Wenk went on to complete her training in Family Medicine at the Jefferson-Abington Health Family Medicine Residency. She then completed a Faculty Development & Medical Education Fellowship at the Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSOM). She arrived in Boston in the Fall of 2017 where she trained for two additional years while simultaneously learning about medical education theory and curriculum development and implementation, while working on her Master in Medical Education. While at TUSOM as a Fellow, she also helped organize primary care conferences for the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care and helped revamp the dental curriculum for the Harvard Dental School General Practice Residency program.

As Seen In

After her Fellowship, she was selected to build and co-launch the HCA/TUSOM Family Medicine Residency at Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth, NH. There, she built the foundation and curriculum for the residency program and recruited the first two classes of family medicine residents. She served as a preceptor for medical students at TUSOM who did their family medicine core rotations through her clinic site. She also holds the title of Assistant Clinical Professor at TUSOM and continues to work with medical students through didactic and clinical teaching.

Dr. Grover-Wenk has had multiple articles published in a variety of journals including the American Academy of Family Physicians, Family Practice Journal, and Family Practice News. She has been invited to speak at various Grand Rounds and Conferences around the eastern seaboard where has mostly spoken about passion topics such as the lack of mentorship and equitable leadership positions for women in medicine, the pressures of medical training on mental health of budding physicians, and her own experience as a physician and cancer patient. She was recently invited by the New Hampshire Osteopathic Association to discuss her research on the value of female mentors to female physician trainees. Her work in advocating for more women in leadership led to her being quoted for a story in Forbes Women in 2022. Finally, she has won multiple awards for her work as a mentor and teacher for medical students and residents through the Jefferson-Abington Health system, TUSOM, and the American Medical Women’s Association.

Dr. Grover-Wenk is very active in mentoring and guiding pre-medical students through the non-profit Prescribe It Forward, and first-generation medical students at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She has extensive experience in teaching didactic science topics and designing curriculum for pre-medical and medical students, and residents . She has been involved in residency leadership since 2017 and currently serves as Associate Director & Core Faculty at the Jefferson-Abington Family Medicine Residency. She lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband, her infant son, and their dog, Zoe.